Theoretical basis of liability for tort should be based on three type of rights, such as personal rights and property rights and mixed rights. 侵权责任的理论基础应该以人身权、财产权、混合型权利三种权利类型作为支撑;
The liability for tort of hiring people is a kind of liability based on employer-employee relationship. 雇佣人的侵权责任是以雇佣关系为前提的一种侵权责任。
As the nature of students 'attacking accident, it is mainly of civil liability for tort. 学生伤害事故就其性质而言,主要是侵权民事责任。
In latter issue, it is the most important point for general provisions about liability for tort while disputed. 在后一个问题中,有关侵权责任一般条款的规定更是争论的重中之重。
The liability for tort is to encroach on one of the multiple responsibility that people should bear in the traffic accident. 侵权责任是交通事故中侵害人应承担的多重责任之一。
The emergence of the liability for tort mainly appears in two fields: Limit the competition field and intellectual property right field. 侵权责任的发生以存在法律保护的权利为前提,主要出现在两个领域:保护正当竞争领域和知识产权领域。根据每个领域的特点,论文分别提出了预防和分担的方法。
Via the development of more than 100 years, this system has developed to become one huge complex, suitable scope extensive, stand independently in the civil liability of system of liability for breach of contract and liability for tort. 经过一百多年的发展,缔约过失责任已经发展成为一个庞大复杂、适用范围广泛,独立于违约责任和侵权责任之外的民事责任制度。
Liability for breach of contract and liability for tort compete shuts to be a certain illegal activities double characteristic with noncompliance and tort that actor implement, thus cause the common production of the liability for breach of contract and liability for tort legally. 违约责任与侵权责任竞合是行为人实施的某一个违法行为具有违约行为与侵权行为的双重特征,从而在法律上导致违约责任与侵权责任的共同产生。
The compensation liability of the lawyers 'practice is an integration of the liability for breach of contracts and liability for tort, so the doctrine of liability fixation embodies not only the doctrine of liability for wrongs but also the principle of liability without fault. 律师执业赔偿责任,是违约责任与侵权责任的竞合,因此,其归责原则体现了过错责任原则,也体现了无过错责任原则。
On Concurrence of State Compensation and Civil Liability for Tort 国家赔偿责任与民事侵权责任间竞合之探讨&从人民权益之保障为中心
C* But comparing to Taiwan's civil law, there are a lot of modes of liability for tort except damages in the mainland civil law. 但与台湾法相比,我国大陆法中的侵权责任方式有很大的不同,除台湾法中的损害赔偿外尚有大量的非财产责任。
The nature of its civil responsibility is liability for tort. 虚假验资民事责任的性质为侵权责任。
Liability for tort and standard for compensation of copyright in internet environment. 网络环境下的著作权侵权责任及赔偿标准等问题的分析,同有识之士探讨如何进一步完善我国的著作权法。
The civil liability of the fund includes the responsibility of the contract and liability for tort, the two are bearing the protection fund holder's duty together. 基金民事责任包括合同责任和侵权责任,两者共同承担着保护基金持有人的职责。
This article tackles the viewpoint that the contracting negligence liability belongs to the liability for tort or contractual liability and points out its defects, proposing that contracting negligence liability be an independent liability. 本文对将缔约过失责任归属于债权的责任或合同责任的观点进行了评述,指出了其弊端,提出将缔约过失责任作为一个独立的民事责任。
The fourth part Probing into the composition important document of civil liability and reason of contradicting, certified accountant's liability for tort is formed by four important documents: State the behavior, fault, damage the fact and causality falsly; 第四部分探讨民事责任的构成要件和抗辩理由,注册会计师侵权责任由四个要件构成:虚假陈述行为、过错、损害事实和因果关系;
However, introducing the system of liability for tort to the protection of claim breaks the relativity principle of the debt in the traditional civil law theory. 但是,将侵权责任制度引入对债权的保护,打破了传统民法理论中债的相对性原则。
The medical liability for tort refers to the undertaking of civil legal consequence caused by medical treatment tort. 医疗侵权责任是指由医疗侵权行为引起的民事法律后果的承担。
It exists two different views about quality of the civil liability that the controlling shareholders to the third party in our own academy, namely liability for breach of contract and liability for tort. 我国关于控制股东对第三人的民事责任的性质,学界存在着违约责任和侵权责任两种观点。
Liability for tort, liability for breach of contract and liability for treaty negligence are three types of civil liability. 侵权责任、违约责任和缔约过失责任是民事责任的三种类型。
Liability for tort system is it fill in system in basic status to damage in traffic accident, it is playing an important role in traffic accident compensation for damage together with the system of the liability insurance, social security system. 侵权责任制度在交通事故损害填补体系中处于基础性地位,它与责任保险制度、社会保障制度一道在交通事故损害赔偿中发挥着重要的作用。
As one special liability for tort, employer responsibility has his special responsibility to bear the way, exempt the origin of an incident of the responsibility, this text has done analysis to it too. 作为一种特殊的侵权责任,雇主责任有其特殊的责任承担方式、免责事由,本文也对其作了分析。
The major components of civil liability for tort have great practical value in judicial practice. 侵权民事责任的构成要件在司法实践中有很大的实用价值。
In the law of liability for tort, establishes the fault liability and no-fault liability principle. 我国侵权责任法,确立了过错责任和无过错责任归责的基本原则。
Compared with the liability for tort, the duty of road traffic is multiple and complexity. 与一般的侵权责任相比,道路交通责任具有多发性和复杂性的特点。
The paper adopts historical research methods, research methods of comparative law, and case research methods to discuss the System of Third Party in the Law of Liability for Tort from the longitudinal and transverse orientations. 本文采取历史的、比较的、案例的方法对侵权责任法上的第三人制度进行了纵向的梳理和横向的对比。
Damage is one element of liability for tort. It is helpful to definite the scope of damage not only for supplying law relieve to the person who suffered damage, but also for strengthening the guiding and foreseeability of law. 损害作为侵权责任的构成要件之一,明确损害的范围,不仅有利于对于遭受损害的当事人提供法律救济,而且可以增强法律的指导性和可预见性。
And analyzed the competing responsibility between the liability for tort and the liability for breach of contract. 并对侵权与违约责任的竞合进行了分析。
According to this kind of theories, the academia of our country has made a clear distinction between the liability for breach of contract and liability for tort. 按照这种理论,我国学术界对违约责任与侵权责任采取了泾渭分明的二元划分体系。